Harvesting The Magic of a Second Childhood
By: Sanderson Sims A dear friend of mine, a psychiatrist, once told me that she felt that the purpose of life is to accumulate experiences. No experience is necessarily better than another, just different. Failure, loss, rejection, addiction, guilt, betrayal — the list goes on — all serve a purpose. Lately, I have been thinking about the challenges that we face in making our way in this world. We were all once fledgling birds, pushed out of our comfortable nests and thrown to the wind. Magically we learned to navigate in this unpredictable adventure called life. Each journey includes ups and downs, dreams and disappointments, accomplishments and set backs. From…
What Do You Know? I Got Myself a New Roadmap!
By Sanderson Sims Next month I will turn 80. Yes 80. Can’t really believe it. My jaw drops at just how fast I’ve gotten here: like waking up from anesthesia and wondering what the operation was like. Meaning that daily life, the routines and endeavors I engage in, seem to have been just one steady stream that launched slowly and then became a rocket ride. My body is older and slower, but my thinking and curiosity about the world I live in and what’s going on around me, still seems to be a constant. I am a kid at heart, still trying the limbo from time to time, but the bar…
How to Follow the “Cosmic Bread Crumbs” of Life
Written By: Sanderson Sims One of the jewels that we are given in this lifetime is the ability to co-create with the universe. While not everyone comes to understand that we are co-creators of our experiences, there are numerous ways to sharpen one’s awareness of it and to acknowledge the ample clues given along the way. Actively engaging with the divine presence can enhance our lives by an order of magnitude. As many of you know from reading my essays, I am fascinated by the idea of manifestation. Let me reemphasize that the essence of what I am exploring here is that at some point what I desire is…
The Prayer Pot
It has been said that meditation is listening to God, while prayer is talking. Years ago I found a small gold colored pot in a thrift store. It spoke to me. As it turned out, it was a sugar bowl. There seemed to be something quite magical and charming about it. It felt as if I had discovered an Aladdin’s lamp in which my wishes, dreams and hopes could be placed. When I got home, I decided to repurpose this little sugar bowl and turn it into a prayer pot. Thus, I began writing my hopes and prayers on small bits of paper and tucking them inside the golden vessel. …
Expect Pleasant Surprises
By Sanderson Sims Turn your ordinary reality into an extraordinary one! We all encounter failure, rejection and hardship in life. And with so many countervailing forces, it is easy to fall victim or to become bewildered by it all. Even though we are aware that we are on a spiritual journey, we are not always aware of the bigger picture. Sometimes it is just not clear whether a setback is good or bad, until we see the journey in its entirety from the rear view mirror. Years ago I attended a seminar with Dr. Bernie Siegel, the internationally known cancer doctor and author of the best-seller “Love, Medicine and Miracles.”…
How To Recognize Your True Powers of Manifestation
By: Sanderson Sims One of the greatest roadblocks to understanding how manifestation works is to first recognize the nature of what we desire, and then connect the dots as to how something comes to pass. Understanding the lag time between what we want and the eventual results can give us valuable insight into the process and a sense of confidence, faith and trust that all things work for good. Sometimes what we would like to happen will not manifest because of the nature of what we desire. For example, we might truly desire to win the lottery, but so do countless others and there can only be one lucky…
What Synchronicity Can Teach Us
Written By: Sanderson Sims Terence Mckenna, the famous ethnobotanist and protégé of Timothy Leary once said “The world is not just strange. It is stranger than strange.” There is an air of insanity in our divisive politics and our economics. We don’t seem able to respond to this world-wide pandemic with any sense of order or ease. Sometimes it feels that we may have lost our ability to navigate or even contemplate what is coming next. This can and does cause increased pessimism and fear. And because the news basically focuses on sensationalism at the extremes, this adds fuel to the fire. And so it goes. Stress is certainly apparent…
Edgar Cayce’s Formula for Achieving a More Rewarding Life
Written By: Sanderson Sims My formative years, meaning schooling, were spent in the 1950s and the first half of the 1960s. In those years there was an unbridled enthusiasm for the “Protestant Work Ethic.” Anything was possible if you set your mind to it and worked hard to get there. Coming out of World War II, America was a land of optimism, promise and opportunity. It seemed anything was possible. The game plan went something like this: Get educated, work hard (real hard), make as much as you can, enjoy material comforts, and then at retirement settle back and live out your “Golden Years.” You could say that the future…
Connecting With Our Deceased Loved Ones
Written by: Susanne Sims This is an astonishing account of a woman who terminated a pregnancy only to be visited by the spirits of those souls later in life. The story takes place in 1996, on the Big Island of Hawaii, at a retreat center known as The New Millennium Institute. There a small group of 20 participants gathered for a week-long workshop with the well-known author and scholar Dr. Raymond Moody, who is best known for his ground-breaking work in the realm of near-death studies. Moody was the first to publish on this subject and in 1975, his seminal book Life After Life became an international best-seller. He went…
- Explorations in Consciousness, Journeys, Latest News/Trends, Metaphysical Musings, Mindfullness/Meditation
How My Refrigerator Taught Me to Be Mindful
Perhaps you’ve watched the popular Netflix series Grace and Frankie staring Jane Fonda as Grace, and Lily Tomlin as Frankie. In one scene, Frankie is in her kitchen doing battle with her refrigerator. She has just closed the refrigerator door but forgotten the butter, so she attempts to open it again. Using all of her strength, she finds that she cannot open the door because the refrigerator has a vacuum seal so tight, even Godzilla could not open it. Frustrated, Frankie forces herself to count from one to ten, until the prerequisite time has passed and the seal is released. It’s a comical scene and perhaps one that many of…
The Art of Recognizing Manifestation
I recently wrote about my experiences with Peter Caddy, a co-founder of the Findhorn Spiritual Community in Scotland. The concept discussed was conscious manifestation: how by focusing on what we want to see happen in our lives, believing that it will, then allowing things to develop, we become more powerful architects. Many of us are truly unaware of how we create our own reality. One of the main issues keeping us from this awareness is recognition. We may not recognize our thoughts nor be attuned into what is actually taking place on the material plane. Recognition is so difficult that often, when something does occur, we don’t believe or…
As the world comes to grips with the reality of a new global pandemic, it seems this is a critical moment to reflect. Perhaps an interesting place to start is to consider the word “corona” itself. What does it mean? 1. A small circle of light seen around the sun or moon, due to diffraction by water droplets. The sun’s corona is normally visible only during a total solar eclipse, when it is seen as an irregularly shaped pearly glow surrounding the darkened disk of the moon. 2. Anatomy — a part of the body resembling or likened to a crown. In the first definition, the corona appears…
I attended the Miami Book Fair years ago where I took a workshop in fiction writing. Our teacher, Colin Channer, opened my eyes to the qualities and dynamics of what makes a teacher truly exceptional, and I am inspired to share those observations. 1. For starters, a great teacher is truly enthusiastic about what they are teaching. Their joy is infectious and contagious. Colin’s enthusiastic examples made us really want to jump in and do the assignments. 2. There is a focus, not on how much information can be given but on how a few key concepts can be imparted, then practiced and, hopefully, realized by the student. For…
You Found That Thing You Lost
Have you ever wondered if there are companions in other realms that might be connected to us, such as ancestors, or guardian angels? Is it possible that these beings exist as “invisible helpers” to assist us in our lives, and our evolution? I have, for a long time, been writing about how we appear to have access to companions in other realms. Evidence of their existence and communication with us is confirmed by what Carl Jung referred to as “synchronicities” or “meaningful coincidences”. We can learn to recognize and even invite these connections into our consciousness by noting their frequency, and being open to exploring them. In doing so, we…
Art Transcends Politics
I have been writing about serendipity, and lately have gotten a bit lazy in my writing regimen. However, last night I serendipitously watched “Under African Skies” the story of how Paul Simon enabled art to magically do what it can under the right circumstances. This was a PBS special which told of how Simon, in an effort to reach for a breakthrough idea, fused the magic of South African music and the music of the West. It culminated in the production of “Graceland,” an album which was transcendent in its nature. While accomplishing this musical miracle, the law of unintended consequences reared its ugly head. He had failed to…
Showing Up for Ourselves and Others
Today, more than ever, there is a continual sense that an impending disaster looms just over the horizon — whether it be the climate crisis, the economy, or the political environment. In order to cope, many people turn to drugs, alcohol or other substances. The opioid crisis is just one manifestation of the addition process at large. I regularly attend support groups and meetings for those whose lives are impacted by a drug or alcohol addicted child, relative, or friend. The purpose is to gain insights from one another about how to handle the difficult situations created by addiction behavior. There are rules about how to listen, how…
Come Be a Child Again!
Come Be A Child Again! This was the headline my advertising agency partner, Rich, wrote for an account we had — a client who put on county fairs. It was written years ago, yet I woke up this morning with this mantra reverberating in my mind. I wanted to reflect on the childlike mindset we all come into this world with. Our childhoods may be a state of mind we remember only briefly, something akin to awaking from a dream in the reverie state. The details of will be gone in a flash, if you don’t consciously catch them. I lay there trying to imagine all of the things that…
A Simple Thing
Sometimes the simplest things in life can make life much more satisfying. Many years ago I met a very interesting person who said that each day he made a point to do at least one nice thing for somebody — often a person he didn’t even know. He explained that the logic was quite simple: what you put out there comes back to you. Solely from a physics point of view, most of us are familiar with Newton’s third law of motion which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The size of the force on the first object equals the size of force on…
The Language of the Heart
The main purpose of this website is for seekers to share observations that can be useful in putting our world into a healthy context and perspective. This is especially important when much of what is going on today seems to defy logic. Confusion, bewilderment, and denial are now the norm rather than the exception. As such, it is my observation that we must move from a mind driven world to a heart driven world in order to deal with the complexity that surrounds us. The news is filled, for the most part, with personality dramas and a fascination and focus on people, rather than the important values that society needs…