The Healing Frequencies of 432 Hertz
By: Susanne Sims When my mother was in the final stages of her life, I was blessed to spend ten life-changing days at her side. Not all of us may have the chance to be present at the death of another, but if we can, it is something to behold and to treasured. There is extreme awe, tenderness and a bit of holy terror that emerges from this journey. When I first arrived, seeing my mother confined to a bed that she would never get up from again was heartbreaking. There was my strong, resilient mother, so vulnerable and frail. Her skin was thin as chiffon curtains, her face…
My Earth Day Apology to Greta Thunberg
In her recent interview in Rolling Stone magazine, Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg expresses her disappointment with ‘the olds’. She is referring to older generations and baby boomers who appear apathetic when it comes to acting on climate change. Is Greta right? Have we lost our fighting spirit? It was ‘the olds’ who fought in the 1970s to put into place five of the most effective and important pieces of environmental protection: The Clean Air Act, the Endangered Species Act, the Montreal Protocol, the Clean Water Act, and Reformation Plan №3 which led to establishing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and setting forth the components of the National Oceanic and…
An Optimist and a Prepper Find Common Ground
Two weeks ago I ran into my neighbor Bill, someone with whom I’d never had much contact. He reached out to me and said he was not doing well, admitting that he was lonely, worried, and needed someone to talk to — even if it was just for an hour. How nice that he could be so honest and vulnerable. This would never have happened pre-Covid! I agreed to meet Bill outside in the building’s garden courtyard and made some fruit salad and iced tea to share. For the next hour we got to know one other. Bill was agitated and immediately began to unload. From the news sources he…
As the world comes to grips with the reality of a new global pandemic, it seems this is a critical moment to reflect. Perhaps an interesting place to start is to consider the word “corona” itself. What does it mean? 1. A small circle of light seen around the sun or moon, due to diffraction by water droplets. The sun’s corona is normally visible only during a total solar eclipse, when it is seen as an irregularly shaped pearly glow surrounding the darkened disk of the moon. 2. Anatomy — a part of the body resembling or likened to a crown. In the first definition, the corona appears…
Health and Healing