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The Very First Thing You Might Want to Manifest


By Sanderson Sims

If you are young, you are facing a life of dynamic change the velocity and acceleration of which has never before been experienced. What’s coming next, and right after that? We are currently facing everything from a climate crisis, to a pandemic, school stops and starts, work uncertainty, political and racial chaos, and more. Add to that the personal changes taking place in each of our lives.

The only certainty we may have is the speed at which change will continue to occur. Just to put this into perspective, it is said that an educated person in the 16th century was never exposed in their entire lifetime, to as much information as is contained in just one issue of the Wall Street Journal.

To navigate at this relentless pace, finding a good mentor can prove to be extremely helpful. Your family members, teachers, ministers, coaches, friends will all fill various roles, however, I am talking about a special person or situation that can help you navigate, like no other. A mentor is one who has often pursued a career or path similar to yours, or has experience in areas that you are being tested. These people already know the challenges, heart aches, and rewards. A situation is usually one in which the event and/or people involved force you to confront, buckle down, and get through it.

I have been writing about manifestation for quite some time now, and feel that manifesting mentors is at the top of my list. A good friend of mine once told me that no matter what your beliefs are, your existence is an experience gathering journey. You can consciously learn, discern, and choose or simply take what comes and make the best of it. You don’t have to hit your finger with a hammer to know that it hurts.

All of us, at any particular moment, is grappling with immediate challenges. So my recommendation is to envision, with a strong sense of desire, the right person or situation showing up to help sort out the next step. We are all here on this planet to help one another — so don’t ever think you have to go it alone. Whether you are seeking a mentor, or being one, there is meaning and purpose to be found in helping and guiding others.

Once you have consciously created the intent to find a mentor, let it go, but remain very cognizant of your request and be aware of the people and situations you encounter. For instance, I was once really struggling in a new business venture, and I remember actually crying out for help in my car as I drove home from work. Two weeks later, I had a blind date with a psychiatrist who proved to be a great mentor in my life.

Sometimes the mentor is not a warm, fuzzy and nurturing type, but what you will need. When I was in graduate business school, I had decided to take an elective course called Techniques of Financial Analysis. I signed up thinking there might be some interesting information, but I did not comprehend the level of work required. When the mid-term came, the exam was so difficult I could hardly understand the questions, much less how to craft answers.

I received a D- on this exam, which is the kiss of death in graduate school.  I also received a note saying “see me.” The instructor was a crusty Wall Street financier, who unsympathetically greeted me and made it abundantly clear that I would need to spend 30 hours a week on his material alone between now and semester’s end. This was in addition to the requirements I already had from three other courses I was taking.

Never had I worked so hard as in those last eight weeks. Later, I found out from one of my classmates that nobody took this course unless they were going for a Ph.D. Little did I know that it would prove to be precisely the knowledge I needed in order to understand the financing and running of an advertising agency I would later come to own.

One of the main reasons we need mentors is that we often face life situations for which we have no real perspective. We think that our point of view is what will serve us best. Yet a mentor might be able to shed light in a way that you had not considered. Looking back in the rear view mirror, having taken his or her advice, we can then observe how well that advice had served us.

For example, a friend shared with me how she had received an offer for a very creative idea in which she would have been paid several million dollars. She refused the offer feeling it was way too low. Nothing else ever showed up and the idea, in effect went to zero. A good mentor would have reminded her of how difficult it is to save a million dollars. Had she banked this, she would have been prepared to go on to the next idea with a very nice nest egg.

More than ever, we now have to be open to our intuitive guidance and synchronicity. I believe we have come from a long dependence on linear thinking. We are comfortable with the left side of our brain and how it functions. However, time is the great ally of linear thinking and when time is in short supply, we must learn to be guided by the right side (intuitive) more and more. This requires consciously spending more time in this state.

Meditation, or any activity which stills the mind and makes us receptive, will bring us into a receptive state. I believe the goal is to eventually become as comfortable with uncertainty as we are with the certainty. However, we must consciously work at it.

It is important to also be open for signs and signals that will assure you that you are on the right path. Paying attention to synchronicity can be helpful and confirming in nature. Carl Jung defined synchronicity as “meaningful coincidences.” For example, let’s assume you are planning a vacation during this pandemic and have narrowed your choices to driving to parks in the West versus parks in the East.

Over the next few days you find yourself casually tuning into a radio station where a host happens to say: “There never has been a better time to drive out west.” Had you not been consciously aware of this phenomena you might have just written it off, or really not given it any thought. Taking the vacation out west will now align you with other possibilities and contacts that may reinforce the over all purpose for this journey.

The quantum physicists are now postulating that the entire universe is actually alive. We are learning the myriad of ways we are actually connected. Perhaps the greater journey is seeing now how the linear logic of the left side of our brain is mirrored by another kind of logic on the right side. Mentoring can be a very useful bridge for smoothing our life’s ride and finding a direction that will best serve our evolution.

-Written by Sanderson Sims, September 14, 2020

Photo by Nicole De Khors, Burst Photos

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