This website is dedicated to exploring the art of awakening. Here you will find a collection of ideas and teachings from the world’s saints, sages, mystics, and shamans. You will also find stories from ordinary folks like us. Who are we? We are a group of like-minded seekers who wish to share our own pathways to awakening. Humbly, we offer these ideas and experiences, trusting that they may inspire and have a positive impact on your life too. As the American Professor of Literature Joseph Campbell so eloquently stated, we are all on a “hero’s journey” traversing the universe and exploring the mystery of our existence together. “Follow your bliss,” were his sage words.

We seek a new world as one people more expanded, more feeling, more full of life.
We pray for the spiritual courage to live more deeply in the mystery and to be glad for it.
We care to become more intimate friends with all of nature, with all sentient beings, and with all peoples.
We choose to be healed by love, for ourselves, each other, and for life itself.
We exalt in the presence of all those who have gone before us and feel them in our dreams, in our cultures, and in our bones.
We tremble in the deep knowing that we are pure potential and that our burdens are our teachers and that heaven could happen here on earth.
We persevere to imagine that we cannot only treat others as we would have them treat us, but to go further to stage their genius and honor the genius we feel in all creation.
These things we vision and affirm for our new planetary civilization to emerge whole and full of life.
So be it. - Jim Channon