If I Can Bend a Spoon With My Mind, What’s Next?
By: Sanderson Sims
In the 1970s, I attended a seminar in Honolulu entitled “The Mind Can Do Anything” sponsored by two students obtaining their doctoral degrees. One of the seminar presenters was Uri Geller who was famous for bending metal with his mind. Uri encouraged the audience to bring malfunctioning watches and clocks to the auditorium. He then asked everyone to agree to say to these malfunctioning watches and clocks: “Work!” When he gave the command, this was to be done with all the conviction they could muster.
Uri then repeated the exercise a second time, and for those whose clocks and watches had begun to work, he requested they stand up. At least half of the audience was standing! He then told those sitting in the first three rows to check for bent car and house keys and apologized, offering tips on how to straighten out their keys.
At the time I was dating a psychiatrist. We were so intrigued by what we had witnessed, a few weeks later she and I invited a small group to my house to practice bending spoons and forks. We had been told to visualize energy entering the tops of our heads and flowing through our arms and hands into the finger which was slowly rubbing the part of the spoon or fork we wanted to bend. Concentrating on this technique, I could feel point in the fork where I was rubbing begin to heat up. I could then easily twist and bend the fork. Most of us succeeded.
The next day I noticed some unfortunate things had happened to equipment in my home: the stereo amplifier was on the blitz; the oven didn’t work; the swimming pool filter motor had failed. Finally, the car would not start. Several thousand dollars later, I realized one thing: We were not going to repeat that exercise, at least not at my house.
What had happened? It became clear that through visualization our bodies had become transformer-like-conduits with energy passing not only into the forks and spoons, but into the surrounding area. As exhilarating as this was, it was also a warning that we didn’t know enough about what we were doing. However, it did give us insights into the healing power known as the “laying on of hands.”
Having stumbled this far, it was evident that we all possesses powerful potential. Yet how to unlock our potential and use it safely? We can have a profound impact on the world, but what are the rules that govern these altered states of mind?
There are many things we accept about our world, but don’t fully understand. For example, we live in one reality during our waking moments, yet don’t really understand where we go in our dream states. Or, try to have someone to actually explain what electricity is. We know how to live and work with it, but exactly what it is? The same with gravity. We know all about its effects but not exactly what it is.
In his last year a noteworthy friend of mine, Terence McKenna, said to me, “The world is not just strange, it is stranger than strange.” We tend to let those comments pass because we can’t really anchor them and in this chaotic world, it may be enough simply to find ways to stabilize ourselves. Day to day life for many is challenging and ominous storm clouds continue to gather, from climate change to nuclear war, political madness, gun violence, and in general, a basic decline in moral moorings. Heap on economic foundations resembling quicksand, pandemics, and the uncertainty of whether AI might become unfriendly — and the brightness of the future seems plainly unpredictable.
We know that people can walk on hot coals or break boards with a karate chop. But they have to learn the models, and then rigorously apply them. Walking on hot coals or breaking boards can be exhilarating, yet today more than ever, harnessing this power simply for our individual potential may not be the only reason to do so. We can all agree that we want our own world to get better, but knowing how we can all make this collective world a better place is the next step.
Here is one idea: Today in the Ukraine, for example, the most feared weapon being used is cited by some as the HIMAR, a mobile GPS guided missile launcher. It fires with such incredible and deadly accuracy that these missiles can hit something within three feet after traveling 186 miles.
Back to the Uri Geller discussion and the use of ourselves as transformers: What if light, the kind we often surround ourselves with for protection, can be generated from within just like the metal bending energy? And what if that kind of light really has miraculous powers when directed towards anybody and everybody — especially towards people who have great responsibilities? Suppose that rather than just a head visualization, it is a heart transmission of feeling. It would be our own HIMAR with light as the missile payload.
We wouldn’t have to know how it worked, just that if enough of us did this, it could bring about a change and a change of heart. What if individuals did this for a minute each day? Perhaps the world would experience a radical and wonderful change. And if “what goes around comes around,” what pleasant surprises might come our way? What if our higher purpose in being on this planet is to use our capacity to bring light to all things that need healing, the planet, individuals, and the consciousness of this world?
If you are seriously seeking higher knowledge and ways to make things better, one of the authors and teachers I have recently come across and can recommend is Michael Reccia. He channels information from a spirit called Joseph. His many books explore the potential of becoming a light worker in order to create a new matrix on our planet and in our personal lives. I propose it is a rabbit hole well worth going down. And what have we got to lose? I doubt that nothing but good could come from this, no broken ovens or car engines. We have more hidden potential than we give ourselves credit for. And it is high time to start using it.
Photo by Farah, Burst Photos