Explorations in Consciousness,  Living Life as a Question

Fake it ‘Till You Make it



By:  Sanderson Sims

Today we will explore the mystery of manifestation.  In all likelihood you’ve been exposed to numerous books, articles, speakers etc; that espouse the idea that we create our own reality, and that what we put our minds to, we eventually bring about.   

This is one of the more complex concepts we might grapple with during our lifetimes. Do we really have more power than we think? Perhaps there is serious doubt about this because if it we did, our lives might be a lot better than they are. 

Though we cannot begin to fathom the infinite and astonishing mind of universe, imagine for a moment that you had the ultimate power to bestow the gift of manifestation on humanity. How might you do it?  You’d have to be sure that things did not run amuck with people swept up in their newly realized power who might exercise it at the expense of others.  You might therefore create a rather dense environment where people had to really work to make things happen, like a baby crawling before learning to stand, then learning to walk before finally being able to run.   

You might make manifestation a learned skill that one could eventually practice through self effort.  You could drop a bit of fairy dust — clues and events along the way — that help one build awareness of how thoughts become reality.  And you’d likely put in some guard rails so that harmful thoughts either toward one’s self or others do not come about easily. 

Given this type of environment with such safeguards, it might be very easy for the inhabitants to not believe that their powers of mind have anything to do with their lives or their creations. People might feel that their sustained effort either works to some degree or doesn’t. And then there is the matter of luck. Not all the people buying a ticket are going to win the lottery.  And since we all live with each other, there would be the further diminution brought about by opposing desires: that is if two forces oppose each other, one may prevail, or neither may prevail. Think of a sport where there is a winner, loser or a tie.  All of these things might discourage belief in manifestation. 

We likely all come into this life with some form of natural and even healthy skepticism and disbelief.  But we may also be inspired to rise above it. So what do you do? Reverend Helen Street, a minister of Religious Science, once urged everyone at the very least to “fake it ’till you make it.” 

What she meant by this is to start with the small things in life. Gather evidence and slowly apply what you are experiencing to your belief system. The idea is to expect what you want and give thanks for it happening.  Act as if it has already happened by seeing the end result in your mind’s eye. Include what it feels like to have your manifestation come about.  This can easily be done by experimenting with simple things, like  creating great parking places, running into people you want to see either in person, or by phone call or text.  Start small and then go further.

Slowly you can up the ante to attempt bigger, riskier things, such as quitting a job before finding another one. I shall be the first to admit that this is a life time of work. There is always a wrestling with “should I or should I not?” However, there are numerous books, teachers and fellow travelers who are there to offer support.

One such teacher is Dr. Joe Dispenza, a chiropractor and athlete who, while participating in a triathlon, was struck on his bicycle by an SUV and seriously injured.  Several doctors advised him to have surgeries which would require the installation of two, foot-long steel rods in his back.  Without it, they warned, he ran the risk of quadriplegia. Instead, Joe decided to use his mind to heal his body.  Day after day, hour after hour, he visualized his bones, tendons and muscles knitting themselves back into perfect order.  As a chiropractic doctor, he knew exactly what they should look like when functioning properly. The results were phenomenal.  Within 10 1/2 weeks he could stand on his own, and within 12 weeks he was out of the hospital, working and training again.   Now a best-selling author and international speaker, Dr. Dispenza teaches neuroscience, epigenetics and quantum physics.

In my own life, two qualities I had to personally cultivate before becoming a conscious co-creator were surrender and faith.  I began to see how belief, intent and will could, in time, produce all or some of the intended results.  Becoming aware of my intentions, whether they were blatantly obvious or still residing in my subconscious, also became necessary.

We all carry within us the divine spark of imagination and manifestation, and it is simply up to us to ignite that spark and dance the dance.

Photo credit:  Susanne Sims

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